Source code for tsl.nn.layers.recurrent.gcrnn

from tsl.nn.layers.graph_convs import GraphConv

from .base import GraphGRUCellBase, GraphLSTMCellBase

[docs]class GraphConvGRUCell(GraphGRUCellBase): r"""Gated Recurrent Unit with :class:`~tsl.nn.layers.graph_convs.GraphConv` as graph convolution in the gates, based on the paper `"Structured Sequence Modeling with Graph Convolutional Recurrent Networks" <>`_ (Seo et al., ICONIP 2017). Args: input_size (int): Size of the input. hidden_size (int): Number of units in the hidden state. bias (bool): If :obj:`True`, then the layer will learn an additive bias for each gate. (default: :obj:`True`) norm (str): The normalization used for edges and edge weights. If :obj:`'mean'`, then edge weights are normalized as :math:`a_{j \rightarrow i} = \frac{a_{j \rightarrow i}} {deg_{i}}`, other available options are: :obj:`'gcn'`, :obj:`'asym'` and :obj:`'none'`. (default: :obj:`'mean'`) root_weight (bool): If :obj:`True`, then add a filter (with different weights) for the root node itself. (default :obj:`True`) cached (bool): If :obj:`True`, then cached the normalized edge weights computed in the first call. (default :obj:`False`) **kwargs (optional): Additional arguments of :class:`torch_geometric.nn.conv.MessagePassing`. """ def __init__(self, input_size: int, hidden_size: int, bias: bool = True, norm: str = 'mean', root_weight: bool = True, cached: bool = False, **kwargs): self.input_size = input_size # instantiate gates forget_gate = GraphConv(input_size + hidden_size, hidden_size, norm=norm, root_weight=root_weight, bias=bias, cached=cached, **kwargs) update_gate = GraphConv(input_size + hidden_size, hidden_size, norm=norm, root_weight=root_weight, bias=bias, cached=cached, **kwargs) candidate_gate = GraphConv(input_size + hidden_size, hidden_size, norm=norm, root_weight=root_weight, bias=bias, cached=cached, **kwargs) super(GraphConvGRUCell, self).__init__(hidden_size=hidden_size, forget_gate=forget_gate, update_gate=update_gate, candidate_gate=candidate_gate)
[docs]class GraphConvLSTMCell(GraphLSTMCellBase): r"""LSTM with :class:`~tsl.nn.layers.graph_convs.GraphConv` as graph convolution in the gates, based on the paper `"Structured Sequence Modeling with Graph Convolutional Recurrent Networks" <>`_ (Seo et al., ICONIP 2017). Args: input_size (int): Size of the input. hidden_size (int): Number of units in the hidden state. bias (bool): If :obj:`True`, then the layer will learn an additive bias for each gate. (default: :obj:`True`) norm (str): Normalization used by the graph convolutional layer. (default :obj:`mean`) root_weight (bool): If :obj:`True`, then add a filter (with different weights) for the root node itself. (default :obj:`True`) cached (bool): If :obj:`True`, then cached the normalized edge weights computed in the first call. (default :obj:`False`) **kwargs (optional): Additional arguments of :class:`torch_geometric.nn.conv.MessagePassing`. """ def __init__(self, input_size: int, hidden_size: int, bias: bool = True, norm: str = 'mean', root_weight: bool = True, cached: bool = False, **kwargs): self.input_size = input_size # instantiate gates input_gate = GraphConv(input_size + hidden_size, hidden_size, norm=norm, root_weight=root_weight, bias=bias, cached=cached, **kwargs) forget_gate = GraphConv(input_size + hidden_size, hidden_size, norm=norm, root_weight=root_weight, bias=bias, cached=cached, **kwargs) cell_gate = GraphConv(input_size + hidden_size, hidden_size, norm=norm, root_weight=root_weight, bias=bias, cached=cached, **kwargs) output_gate = GraphConv(input_size + hidden_size, hidden_size, norm=norm, root_weight=root_weight, bias=bias, cached=cached, **kwargs) super(GraphConvLSTMCell, self).__init__(hidden_size=hidden_size, input_gate=input_gate, forget_gate=forget_gate, cell_gate=cell_gate, output_gate=output_gate)