Spatiotemporal Dataset#


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An elegant and effective solution to handle datasets in PyTorch is by means of the object. This object allows us to access the samples as in any Python mapping object, by implementing the __getitem__() and __len__() protocols. As such, a the idx-th sample in such a map-style dataset is retrieved by dataset[idx] (see the PyTorch tutorial on datasets and dataloaders for more information).

The main class in tsl for handling spatiotemporal datasets is the object, that inherits directly from the PyTorch Dataset. The core functionality of SpatioTemporalDataset is to map (long) sequence of spatiotemporal data into samples. In this section, we explain in details how to create properly SpatioTemporalDataset objects.

Sliding window#

A common approach in time-series analysis when dealing with long sequences of data consists in splitting the data along the temporal dimension in sliding windows of fixed length. Then, for supervised learning methods, the created windows are associated with a label that can be a new sequence of data (as in regression problems) or a class (in the case of classification problems).

The SpatioTemporalDataset object eases the creation of such a dataset from tabular data. In particular, the parameters used to define how to create the windows from the entire sequence are the following:

  • window: length of the temporal window.

  • horizon: length of the target sequence (e.g., forecasting horizon).

  • delay: number of steps between the window’s end and the target sequence’s beginning.

  • stride: number of steps between a sample and the next one.

  • window_lag: window’s sampling frequency (in number of time steps).

  • horizon_lag: horizon’s sampling frequency (in number of time steps).

Fig. 1 shows graphically how these parameters affect the dataset partitioning into windows.


Fig. 1 Sliding window parameters.#

In the case illustrated in the figure, we have window=6, horizon=4, delay=3, and stride=3, with unitary window_lag and horizon_lag. Note that the number of samples n_samples will always be lower than the number of time steps n_steps.


The SpatioTemporalDataset object is automatically partitioned into samples every time that any of these parameter is updated. You can override the computed windows by assigning to the dataset specific sample indices (see set_indices()).

We report in Table 1 some example configuration for prediction/forecasting problems.

Table 1 Examples of windowing parameters settings (prediction).#





\(H\)-step-ahead prediction





\(L\)-lagged \(H\)-step-ahead prediction





\(H\)-step-ahead predictions (disjoint windows)





Nonetheless, we can play around with these parameters to enable more complex configuration, as for instance window reconstruction. Table 2 shows some examples on how to set the windowing parameters for imputation.

Table 2 Examples of windowing parameters settings (imputation).#





In-window imputation





In-window imputation with \(K\)-th steps of warmup


\(W - K\)



\(t\)-th step imputation

\(2t - 1\)





The object provides shortcut APIs for the creation of SpatioTemporalDataset objects tailored for the imputation task.

Adding spatiotemporal data#

A spatiotemporal dataset need spatiotemporal data. In standard autoregressive problems (e.g., forecasting), the objective is to model future values of a time series conditioned to a (finite) set of past observations. We call the 3-dimensional tensor representing this time series – spanning over temporal, spatial and features dimensions – the target of the dataset.

The target argument is the only mandatory argument for creating a SpatioTemporalDataset. Unless otherwise specified, the tensor set as target is mapped in dataset sample dataset[idx] as:

  • dataset[idx].x, the sequence of past observations, lasting for dataset.window time steps.

  • dataset[idx].y, the sequence of future values with length dataset.horizon.


The target tensor is assumed to have always three dimensions: time, nodes (i.e., spatial points) and features. If the input data is bi-dimensional, then a dummy uni-dimensional feature is inferred.

Any other data coming into play is handled as a covariate to the target sequence. Covariates are not restricted to a specific shape or number of dimensions. It is a good practice to specify to which dimension each axis in the data refers to by means of patterns.

SpatioTemporalDataset API

See more about the class APIs.


Check the introductory notebook.