Source code for tsl.nn.layers.graph_convs.gpvar

import math
from typing import Optional

import torch.nn.functional as F
from einops import rearrange
from torch import Tensor, nn
from torch_geometric.nn import MessagePassing
from torch_geometric.typing import Adj
from torch_sparse import SparseTensor, matmul

from .mixin import NormalizedAdjacencyMixin

[docs]class GraphPolyVAR(MessagePassing, NormalizedAdjacencyMixin): r"""Polynomial spatiotemporal graph filter from the paper `"Forecasting time series with VARMA recursions on graphs." <>`_ (Isufi et al., IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 2019). .. math:: \mathbf{X}_t = \sum_{p=1}^{P} \sum_{l=1}^{L} \Theta_{p,l} \cdot \mathbf{\tilde{A}}^{l-1} \mathbf{X}_{t-p} where - :math:`\mathbf{\tilde{A}}` is a graph shift operator (GSO); - :math:`\Theta \in \mathbb{R}^{P \times L}` are the filter coefficients accounting for up to :math:`L`-hop neighbors and :math:`P` time steps in the past. Args: temporal_order (int): The filter temporal order :math:`P`. spatial_order (int): The filter spatial order :math:`L`. norm (str): The normalization used for edges and edge weights. The available options are: :obj:`'gcn'`, :obj:`'asym'` and :obj:`'none'`. (default: :obj:`'none'`) cached (bool): If :obj:`True`, then cache the normalized edge weights computed in the first call. (default :obj:`False`) """ norm = 'none' cached = False def __init__(self, temporal_order: int, spatial_order: int, norm: str = 'none', cached: bool = False): super().__init__(aggr="add", node_dim=-2) self.temporal_order = temporal_order self.spatial_order = spatial_order self.norm = norm self.cached = cached self.weight = nn.Parameter(Tensor(spatial_order + 1, temporal_order)) self.reset_parameters()
[docs] def reset_parameters(self): nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(self.weight, a=math.sqrt(5))
@classmethod def from_params(cls, filter_params: Tensor, norm: str = 'none', cached: bool = False): temporal_order = filter_params.shape[1] # p spatial_order = filter_params.shape[0] - 1 # l model = cls(spatial_order=spatial_order, temporal_order=temporal_order, norm=norm, cached=cached) return model def message(self, x_j: Tensor, weight: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tensor: """""" # x_j: [*, edges, channels] if weight is None: return x_j return weight.view(-1, 1) * x_j def message_and_aggregate(self, adj_t: SparseTensor, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """""" # adj_t: SparseTensor [nodes, nodes] # x: [*, nodes, channels] return matmul(adj_t, x, reduce=self.aggr) def forward(self, x: Tensor, edge_index: Adj, edge_weight: Optional[Tensor] = None): """""" assert x.shape[-3] >= self.temporal_order # time steps assert x.shape[-1] == 1 # node features # [b, t>=p, n, f=1] -> [b, n, p] out = rearrange(x[:, -self.temporal_order:], "... p n f -> ... n (p f)") if self.norm != 'none': edge_index, edge_weight = self.normalize_edge_index( x, edge_index=edge_index, edge_weight=edge_weight, use_cached=self.cached) # [b n p] -> [b n l] h = F.linear(out, self.weight) for i in range(1, self.spatial_order + 1): h[..., i:] = self.propagate(edge_index=edge_index, x=h[..., i:], weight=edge_weight) # [... n l] -> [... t=1 n f=1] out = h.sum(axis=-1).unsqueeze(-2).unsqueeze(-1) return out