Source code for tsl.ops.imputation

from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from tsl import logger
from tsl.datasets.prototypes import DatetimeDataset
from tsl.datasets.prototypes.mixin import MissingValuesMixin
from tsl.utils.python_utils import ensure_list

def sample_mask(shape,
                p: float = 0.002,
                p_noise: float = 0.,
                max_seq: int = 1,
                min_seq: int = 1,
                rng: np.random.Generator = None,
                verbose: bool = True):
    if rng is None:
        rand = np.random.random
        randint = np.random.randint
        rand = rng.random
        randint = rng.integers
    if verbose:'Generating mask with base p={p}')
    mask = rand(shape) < p
    for col in range(mask.shape[1]):
        idxs = np.flatnonzero(mask[:, col])
        if not len(idxs):
        fault_len = min_seq
        if max_seq > min_seq:
            fault_len = fault_len + int(randint(max_seq - min_seq))
        idxs_ext = np.concatenate([np.arange(i, i + fault_len) for i in idxs])
        idxs = np.unique(idxs_ext)
        idxs = np.clip(idxs, 0, shape[0] - 1)
        mask[idxs, col] = True
    mask = mask | (rand(mask.shape) < p_noise)
    return mask.astype('uint8')

def missing_val_lens(mask):
    m = np.concatenate([
        np.zeros((1, mask.shape[1])), (~mask.astype('bool')).astype('int'),
        np.zeros((1, mask.shape[1]))
    mdiff = np.diff(m, axis=0)
    lens = []
    for c in range(m.shape[1]):
        mj, = mdiff[:, c].nonzero()
        diff = np.diff(mj)[::2]
    return lens

def to_missing_values_dataset(dataset: DatetimeDataset,
                              eval_mask: np.ndarray,
                              inplace: bool = True):
    assert isinstance(dataset, DatetimeDataset)
    if not inplace:
        dataset = deepcopy(dataset)

    # Dynamically inherit from MissingValuesDataset
    bases = tuple([dataset.__class__, MissingValuesMixin])
    cls_name = "MissingValues%s" % dataset.__class__.__name__
    dataset.__class__ = type(cls_name, tuple(bases), {})
    # Change dataset name = "MissingValues%s" %


    return dataset

def add_missing_values(dataset: DatetimeDataset,
    if seed is None:
        seed = np.random.randint(1e9)
    # Fix seed for random mask generation
    random = np.random.default_rng(seed)

    # Compute evaluation mask
    shape = (dataset.length, dataset.n_nodes, dataset.n_channels)
    eval_mask = sample_mask(shape,

    # Convert to missing values dataset
    dataset = to_missing_values_dataset(dataset, eval_mask, inplace)

    # Store evaluation mask params in dataset
    dataset.p_fault = p_fault
    dataset.p_noise = p_noise
    dataset.min_seq = min_seq
    dataset.max_seq = max_seq
    dataset.seed = seed
    dataset.random = random

    return dataset

[docs]def prediction_dataframe(y, index, columns=None, aggregate_by='mean'): """Aggregate batched predictions in a single DataFrame. Args: y (list or np.ndarray): The list of predictions. index (list or np.ndarray): The list of time indexes coupled with the predictions. columns (list or pd.Index): The columns of the returned DataFrame. aggregate_by (str or list): How to aggregate the predictions in case there are more than one for a step. - `mean`: take the mean of the predictions; - `central`: take the prediction at the central position, assuming that the predictions are ordered chronologically; - `smooth_central`: average the predictions weighted by a gaussian signal with std=1. Returns: pd.DataFrame: The evaluation mask for the DataFrame. """ dfs = [ pd.DataFrame(data=data.reshape(data.shape[:2]), index=idx, columns=columns) for data, idx in zip(y, index) ] df = pd.concat(dfs) preds_by_step = df.groupby(df.index) # aggregate according passed methods aggr_methods = ensure_list(aggregate_by) dfs = [] for aggr_by in aggr_methods: if aggr_by == 'mean': dfs.append(preds_by_step.mean()) elif aggr_by == 'central': dfs.append(preds_by_step.aggregate(lambda x: x[int(len(x) // 2)])) elif aggr_by == 'smooth_central': from scipy.signal import gaussian dfs.append( preds_by_step.aggregate( lambda x: np.average(x, weights=gaussian(len(x), 1)))) elif aggr_by == 'last': # first imputation has missing value in last position dfs.append(preds_by_step.aggregate(lambda x: x[0])) else: raise ValueError("aggregate_by can only be one of " "['mean', 'central', 'smooth_central', 'last']") if isinstance(aggregate_by, str): return dfs[0] return dfs