Source code for tsl.datasets.synthetic

import math

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn

from tsl.datasets import TabularDataset

from tsl.typing import SparseTensArray
from tsl.ops.connectivity import parse_connectivity
from tsl.utils.casting import torch_to_numpy
from tsl.utils.python_utils import filter_kwargs, foo_signature

[docs]class GaussianNoiseSyntheticDataset(TabularDataset): r""" A generator of synthetic datasets from an input model and input graph. The input model must be implemented as a torch model and must return the observation at the next step and (optionally) the hidden state for the next step. Gaussian noise will be added to the output of the model at each step. Args: num_features (int): Number of features in the generated dataset. num_nodes (int): Number of nodes in the graph. num_steps (int): Number of steps to generate. connectivity (SparseTensArray): Connectivity of the underlying graph. model (optional, nn.Module): Model used to generate data. If `None`, it will attempt to create model from `model_class` and `model_kwargs`. model_class (optional, nn.Module): Class of the model used to generate the data. model_kwargs (optional, nn.Module): Keyword arguments to initialize the model. sigma_noise (float): Standard deviation of the noise. name (optional, str): Name for the generated dataset. seed (optional, int): Seed for the random number generator. """ seed: int = None def __init__(self, num_features: int, num_nodes: int, num_steps: int, connectivity: SparseTensArray, min_window: int = 1, model: nn.Module = None, model_class=None, model_kwargs=None, sigma_noise=.2, name=None, seed=None, **kwargs): = name self._num_nodes = num_nodes self._num_features = num_features self._num_steps = num_steps self._min_window = min_window if seed is not None: self.seed = seed if model is not None: self.model = model else: self.model = model_class(**model_kwargs) self._model_forward_signature = foo_signature(model.forward) self.sigma_noise = sigma_noise if connectivity is not None: self.connectivity = parse_connectivity( connectivity, target_layout='edge_index', num_nodes=num_nodes ) else: self.connectivity = None target, optimal_pred, mask = self.load() super().__init__(target=target, mask=mask, name=name, **kwargs) self.add_covariate('optimal_pred', optimal_pred, 't n f')
[docs] def load_raw(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.generate_data(self.seed)
@property def mae_optimal_model(self): """ E[|X|] of a Gaussian X""" return math.sqrt(2.0 / math.pi) * self.sigma_noise def _filter_forward_kwargs(self, kwargs): if not self._model_forward_signature['has_kwargs']: kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in self._model_forward_signature['signature']} return kwargs def _model_forward(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs = self._filter_forward_kwargs(kwargs) out = self.model(*args, **kwargs) if len(out) != 2: return out, None return out # Assumes that if the output has length 2, it will contain [output, hidden_state].
[docs] def generate_data(self, seed=None): r""" """ rng = torch.Generator() if seed is not None: rng.manual_seed(seed) # initialize with noise x = torch.empty((self._num_steps + self._min_window, self._num_nodes, self._num_features)).normal_(generator=rng) * self.sigma_noise y_opt = torch.empty((self._num_steps, self._num_nodes, self._num_features)) if self.connectivity is None: edge_index = edge_weight = None else: edge_index, edge_weight = self.connectivity with torch.no_grad(): h_t = None for t in range(self._min_window, self._min_window + self._num_steps): x_t, h_t = self._model_forward(x[None, t - self._min_window: t], h=h_t, t=t, edge_index=edge_index, edge_weight=edge_weight) y_opt[t - self._min_window:t + 1 - self._min_window] = x_t[0] # add noise x_t = x_t + torch.zeros_like(x_t).normal_(generator=rng) * self.sigma_noise x[t:t + 1] = x_t[0] x = torch_to_numpy(x[self._min_window:]) y_opt = torch_to_numpy(y_opt) return x, y_opt, np.ones_like(x)
[docs] def get_connectivity(self, layout: str = 'edge_index'): if self.connectivity is None: return self.connectivity return parse_connectivity(connectivity=self.connectivity, target_layout=layout, num_nodes=self.n_nodes)