Source code for tsl.datasets.air_quality

import os
from typing import Optional, Sequence, List

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from import disjoint_months, Splitter
from import HORIZON
from tsl.datasets.prototypes import DatetimeDataset
from tsl.datasets.prototypes.mixin import MissingValuesMixin
from tsl.utils import download_url, extract_zip

def infer_mask(df, infer_from='next'):
    """Infer evaluation mask from DataFrame. In the evaluation mask a value is 1
    if it is present in the DataFrame and absent in the :obj:`infer_from` month.

        df (pd.Dataframe): The DataFrame.
        infer_from (str): Denotes from which month the evaluation value must be
            inferred. Can be either :obj:`previous` or :obj:`next`.

        pd.DataFrame: The evaluation mask for the DataFrame.
    mask = (~df.isna()).astype('uint8')
    eval_mask = pd.DataFrame(index=mask.index, columns=mask.columns,
    if infer_from == 'previous':
        offset = -1
    elif infer_from == 'next':
        offset = 1
        raise ValueError('`infer_from` can only be one of {}'
                         .format(['previous', 'next']))
    months = sorted(set(zip(mask.index.year, mask.index.month)))
    length = len(months)
    for i in range(length):
        j = (i + offset) % length
        year_i, month_i = months[i]
        year_j, month_j = months[j]
        cond_j = (mask.index.year == year_j) & (mask.index.month == month_j)
        mask_j = mask[cond_j]
        offset_i = 12 * (year_i - year_j) + (month_i - month_j)
        mask_i = mask_j.shift(1, pd.DateOffset(months=offset_i))
        mask_i = mask_i[~mask_i.index.duplicated(keep='first')]
        mask_i = mask_i[np.in1d(mask_i.index, mask.index)]
        i_idx = mask_i.index
        eval_mask.loc[i_idx] = ~mask_i.loc[i_idx] & mask.loc[i_idx]
    return eval_mask

class AirQualitySplitter(Splitter):

    def __init__(self, val_len: int = None,
                 test_months: Sequence = (3, 6, 9, 12)):
        super(AirQualitySplitter, self).__init__()
        self._val_len = val_len
        self.test_months = test_months

    def fit(self, dataset):
        nontest_idxs, test_idxs = disjoint_months(dataset,
        # take equal number of samples before each month of testing
        val_len = self._val_len
        if val_len < 1:
            val_len = int(val_len * len(nontest_idxs))
        val_len = val_len // len(self.test_months)
        # get indices of first day of each testing month
        delta = np.diff(test_idxs)
        delta_idxs = np.flatnonzero(delta > delta.min())
        end_month_idxs = test_idxs[1:][delta_idxs]
        if len(end_month_idxs) < len(self.test_months):
            end_month_idxs = np.insert(end_month_idxs, 0, test_idxs[0])
        # expand month indices
        month_val_idxs = [np.arange(v_idx - val_len, v_idx) - dataset.window
                          for v_idx in end_month_idxs]
        val_idxs = np.concatenate(month_val_idxs) % len(dataset)
        # remove overlapping indices from training set
        ovl_idxs, _ = dataset.overlapping_indices(nontest_idxs, val_idxs,
        train_idxs = nontest_idxs[~ovl_idxs]
        self.set_indices(train_idxs, val_idxs, test_idxs)

[docs]class AirQuality(DatetimeDataset, MissingValuesMixin): r"""Measurements of pollutant :math:`PM2.5` collected by 437 air quality monitoring stations spread across 43 Chinese cities from May 2014 to April 2015. The dataset contains also a smaller version :obj:`AirQuality(small=True)` with only the subset of nodes containing the 36 sensors in Beijing. Data collected inside the `Urban Air <>`_ project. Dataset size: + Time steps: 8760 + Nodes: 437 + Channels: 1 + Sampling rate: 1 hour + Missing values: 25.67% Static attributes: + :obj:`dist`: :math:`N \times N` matrix of node pairwise distances. """ url = "" similarity_options = {'distance'} def __init__(self, root: str = None, impute_nans: bool = True, small: bool = False, test_months: Sequence = (3, 6, 9, 12), infer_eval_from: str = 'next', freq: Optional[str] = None, masked_sensors: Optional[Sequence] = None): self.root = root self.small = small self.test_months = test_months self.infer_eval_from = infer_eval_from # [next, previous] if masked_sensors is None: self.masked_sensors = [] else: self.masked_sensors = list(masked_sensors) df, mask, eval_mask, dist = self.load(impute_nans=impute_nans) super().__init__(target=df, mask=mask, freq=freq, similarity_score='distance', temporal_aggregation='mean', spatial_aggregation='mean', default_splitting_method='air_quality', name='AQI36' if self.small else 'AQI') self.add_covariate('dist', dist, pattern='n n') self.set_eval_mask(eval_mask) @property def raw_file_names(self) -> List[str]: return ['full437.h5', 'small36.h5'] @property def required_file_names(self) -> List[str]: return self.raw_file_names + ['aqi_dist.npy']
[docs] def download(self): path = download_url(self.url, self.root_dir, '') extract_zip(path, self.root_dir) os.unlink(path)
[docs] def build(self): self.maybe_download() # compute distances from latitude and longitude degrees path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'full437.h5') stations = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_hdf(path, 'stations')) st_coord = stations.loc[:, ['latitude', 'longitude']] from tsl.ops.similarities import geographical_distance dist = geographical_distance(st_coord, to_rad=True).values, 'aqi_dist.npy'), dist)
[docs] def load_raw(self): self.maybe_build() dist = np.load(os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'aqi_dist.npy')) if self.small: path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'small36.h5') eval_mask = pd.read_hdf(path, 'eval_mask') dist = dist[:36, :36] else: path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'full437.h5') eval_mask = None df = pd.read_hdf(path, 'pm25') return pd.DataFrame(df), dist, eval_mask
[docs] def load(self, impute_nans=True): # load readings and stations metadata df, dist, eval_mask = self.load_raw() # compute the masks: mask = (~np.isnan(df.values)).astype('uint8') # 1 if value is valid if eval_mask is None: eval_mask = infer_mask(df, infer_from=self.infer_eval_from) # 1 if value is ground-truth for imputation eval_mask = eval_mask.values.astype('uint8') if len(self.masked_sensors): eval_mask[:, self.masked_sensors] = mask[:, self.masked_sensors] # eventually replace nans with weekly mean by hour if impute_nans: from tsl.ops.framearray import temporal_mean df = df.fillna(temporal_mean(df)) return df, mask, eval_mask, dist
[docs] def get_splitter(self, method: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): if method == 'air_quality': val_len = kwargs.get('val_len') return AirQualitySplitter(test_months=self.test_months, val_len=val_len)
[docs] def compute_similarity(self, method: str, **kwargs): if method == "distance": from tsl.ops.similarities import gaussian_kernel # use same theta for both air and air36 theta = np.std(self.dist[:36, :36]) return gaussian_kernel(self.dist, theta=theta)