Source code for

import os.path
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Tuple, List, Union, Optional

import numpy as np
import torch
from einops import rearrange
from scipy import stats
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import Module
from import recursive_apply

import tsl
from tsl.ops.pattern import check_pattern, take, outer_pattern
from tsl.typing import TensArray

__all__ = [

def zeros_to_one_(scale):
    """Set to 1 scales of near constant features, detected by identifying
    scales close to machine precision, in place.
    Adapted from :class:`sklearn.preprocessing._data._handle_zeros_in_scale`
    if np.isscalar(scale):
        return 1.0 if np.isclose(scale, 0.) else scale
    eps = 10 * np.finfo(scale.dtype).eps
    zeros = np.isclose(scale, 0., atol=eps, rtol=eps)
    scale[zeros] = 1.0
    return scale

def fit_wrapper(fit_function):
    def fit(obj: "Scaler", x, *args, **kwargs) -> "Scaler":
        x_type = type(x)
        x = np.asarray(x)
        fit_function(obj, x, *args, **kwargs)
        if x_type is Tensor:
        return obj

    return fit

[docs]class Scaler: r"""Base class for linear :class:`` scalers. A :class:`` is the base class for linear scaler objects. A linear scaler apply a linear transformation to the input using parameters `bias` :math:`\mu` and `scale` :math:`\sigma`: .. math:: f(x) = (x - \mu) / \sigma. Args: bias (float): the offset of the linear transformation. (default: 0.) scale (float): the scale of the linear transformation. (default: 1.) """ def __init__(self, bias=0., scale=1.): self.bias = bias self.scale = scale super(Scaler, self).__init__() def __repr__(self) -> str: sizes = [] for k, v in self.params().items(): param = f"{k}={tuple(v.shape) if hasattr(v, 'shape') else v}" sizes.append(param) return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(sizes)) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.transform(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def params(self) -> dict: """Dictionary of the scaler parameters `bias` and `scale`. Returns: dict: Scaler's parameters `bias` and `scale.` """ return dict(bias=self.bias, scale=self.scale)
def torch(self, inplace=True): scaler = self if not inplace: scaler = deepcopy(self) for name, param in scaler.params().items(): param = torch.atleast_1d(torch.as_tensor(param)) setattr(scaler, name, param) return scaler
[docs] def numpy(self, inplace=True): r"""Transform all tensors to numpy arrays.""" scaler = self if not inplace: scaler = deepcopy(self) for name, param in scaler.params().items(): if isinstance(param, Tensor): param = param.detach().cpu().numpy() setattr(scaler, name, param) return scaler
@fit_wrapper def fit(self, x: TensArray, *args, **kwargs): """Fit scaler's parameters using input :obj:`x`.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def transform(self, x: TensArray): """Apply transformation :math:`f(x) = (x - \mu) / \sigma`.""" return (x - self.bias) / self.scale + tsl.epsilon
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, x: TensArray): """Apply inverse transformation :math:`f(x) = (x \cdot \sigma) + \mu`.""" return x * (self.scale + tsl.epsilon) + self.bias
[docs] def fit_transform(self, x: TensArray, *args, **kwargs): """Fit scaler's parameters using input :obj:`x` and then transform :obj:`x`.""", *args, **kwargs) return self.transform(x)
[docs] def save(self, filename: str) -> str: """Save the scaler to disk. Args: filename (str): The path to the filename for storage. Returns: str: The absolute path to the saved file. """ params = self.params() is_torch = any([isinstance(param, Tensor) for param in params.values()]) if is_torch: if not filename.endswith('.pt'): filename = filename + '.pt', filename) else: np.savez_compressed(filename, **params) return os.path.abspath(filename)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, filename: str) -> "Scaler": """Load instance of this type of scaler from disk. Args: filename (str): The path to the scaler file. """ ext = filename.split('.')[-1] if ext == 'npz': params = np.load(filename) elif ext == 'pt': params = torch.load(filename) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Filename {filename} is not in a valid format.") return cls(**params)
[docs]class StandardScaler(Scaler): """Apply standardization to data by removing mean and scaling to unit variance. Args: axis (int): dimensions of input to fit parameters on. (default: 0) """ def __init__(self, axis: Union[int, Tuple] = 0): super(StandardScaler, self).__init__() self.axis = axis @fit_wrapper def fit(self, x: TensArray, mask=None, keepdims=True): """Fit scaler's parameters `bias` :math:`\mu` and `scale` :math:`\sigma` as the mean and the standard deviation of :obj:`x`, respectively. Args: x: array-like input mask (optional): boolean mask to denote elements of :obj:`x` on which to fit the parameters. (default: :obj:`None`) keepdims (bool): whether to keep the same dimensions as :obj:`x` in the parameters. (default: :obj:`True`) """ if mask is not None: x = np.where(mask, x, np.nan) self.bias = np.nanmean(x.astype(np.float32), axis=self.axis, keepdims=keepdims).astype(x.dtype) self.scale = np.nanstd(x.astype(np.float32), axis=self.axis, keepdims=keepdims).astype(x.dtype) else: self.bias = x.mean(axis=self.axis, keepdims=keepdims) self.scale = x.std(axis=self.axis, keepdims=keepdims) self.scale = zeros_to_one_(self.scale) return self
[docs]class MinMaxScaler(Scaler): """Rescale data such that all lay in the specified range (default is :math:`[0,1]`). Args: axis (int): dimensions of input to fit parameters on. (default: 0) out_range (tuple): output range of transformed data. (default: :obj:`(0, 1)`) """ def __init__(self, axis: Union[int, Tuple] = 0, out_range: Tuple[float, float] = (0., 1.)): super(MinMaxScaler, self).__init__() self.axis = axis self.out_range = out_range @fit_wrapper def fit(self, x: TensArray, mask=None, keepdims=True): """Fit scaler's parameters `bias` :math:`\mu` and `scale` :math:`\sigma` as the mean and the standard deviation of :obj:`x`. Args: x: array-like input mask (optional): boolean mask to denote elements of :obj:`x` on which to fit the parameters. (default: :obj:`None`) keepdims (bool): whether to keep the same dimensions as :obj:`x` in the parameters. (default: :obj:`True`) """ out_min, out_max = self.out_range if out_min >= out_max: raise ValueError( "Output range minimum must be smaller than maximum. Got {}." .format(self.out_range)) if mask is not None: x = np.where(mask, x, np.nan) x_min = np.nanmin(x.astype(np.float32), axis=self.axis, keepdims=keepdims).astype(x.dtype) x_max = np.nanmax(x.astype(np.float32), axis=self.axis, keepdims=keepdims).astype(x.dtype) else: x_min = x.min(axis=self.axis, keepdims=keepdims) x_max = x.max(axis=self.axis, keepdims=keepdims) scale = (x_max - x_min) / (out_max - out_min) scale = zeros_to_one_(scale) bias = x_min - out_min * scale self.bias, self.scale = bias, scale return self
[docs]class RobustScaler(Scaler): r"""Removes the median and scales the data according to the quantile range. Default range is the Interquartile Range (IQR), i.e., the range between the 1st quartile (25th quantile) and the 3rd quartile (75th quantile). Args: axis (int): dimensions of input to fit parameters on. (default: 0) quantile_range (tuple): quantile range :math:`(q_{\min}, q_{\max})`, with :math:`0.0 < q_{\min} < q_{\max} < 100.0`, used to calculate :obj:`scale`. (default: :obj:`(25.0, 75.0)`) """ def __init__(self, axis: Union[int, Tuple] = 0, quantile_range: Tuple[float, float] = (25.0, 75.0), unit_variance: bool = False): super(RobustScaler, self).__init__() self.axis = axis self.quantile_range = quantile_range self.unit_variance = unit_variance @fit_wrapper def fit(self, x: TensArray, mask=None, keepdims=True): r"""Fit scaler's parameters `bias` :math:`\mu` and `scale` :math:`\sigma` as the median and difference between quantiles of :obj:`x`, respectively. Args: x: array-like input mask (optional): boolean mask to denote elements of :obj:`x` on which to fit the parameters. (default: :obj:`None`) keepdims (bool): whether to keep the same dimensions as :obj:`x` in the parameters. (default: :obj:`True`) """ q_min, q_max = self.quantile_range if not 0 <= q_min <= q_max <= 100: raise ValueError("Invalid quantile range: {}" .format(self.quantile_range)) dtype = x.dtype if mask is not None: x = np.where(mask, x, np.nan).astype(np.float32) self.bias = np.nanmedian(x, axis=self.axis, keepdims=keepdims).astype(dtype) min_q, max_q = np.nanpercentile(x, self.quantile_range, axis=self.axis, keepdims=keepdims) else: self.bias = np.median(x, axis=self.axis, keepdims=keepdims) min_q, max_q = np.percentile(x, self.quantile_range, axis=self.axis, keepdims=keepdims) self.scale = (max_q - min_q).astype(dtype) self.scale = zeros_to_one_(self.scale) if self.unit_variance: adjust = stats.norm.ppf(q_max / 100.0) - stats.norm.ppf( q_min / 100.0) self.scale = self.scale / adjust return self
[docs]class ScalerModule(Module): r"""Converts a :class:`Scaler` to a :class:`torch.nn.Module`, to insert transformation parameters and functions into the minibatch.""" def __init__(self, scaler: Optional[Union[Scaler, "ScalerModule"]] = None, *, bias: Union[Tensor, float] = 0., scale: Union[Tensor, float] = 1., pattern: Optional[str] = None): super(ScalerModule, self).__init__() = False self.inherited_from = None self.t_axis = None # axis of time dimension self.n_axis = None # axis of node dimension # initialize from scaler (if any) if isinstance(scaler, Scaler): scaler = scaler.torch() self.inherited_from = scaler.__class__ elif isinstance(scaler, ScalerModule): self.inherited_from = scaler.inherited_from pattern = scaler.pattern if scaler is not None: bias = scaler.bias scale = scaler.scale # register scaling params as non-trainable parameters self.bias = bias self.scale = scale self.pattern = pattern def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.transform(*args, **kwargs) def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key in ['bias', 'scale']: if isinstance(value, Tensor): value = value.clone().detach() else: value = torch.tensor(value) value = torch.atleast_1d(value) self.register_buffer(key, value) elif key == 'pattern': self.set_pattern(value) else: super(ScalerModule, self).__setattr__(key, value) def _get_name(self): if self.inherited_from is not None: return self.inherited_from.__name__ + 'Module' return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def extra_repr(self) -> str: s = ["bias={}".format(tuple(self.bias.shape)), "scale={}".format(tuple(self.scale.shape))] if self.pattern is not None: s.append("pattern='{}'".format(self.pattern)) return ', '.join(s)
[docs] def params(self) -> dict: """Dictionary of the scaler parameters `bias` and `scale`. Returns: dict: Scaler's parameters `bias` and `scale.` """ return dict(bias=self.bias, scale=self.scale)
@property def t(self) -> int or None: """Size of temporal dimension (:obj:`None` if time-invariant).""" if self.pattern is not None and 't' in self.pattern: # 't' is always in first dimension return max(self.scale.size(0), self.bias.size(0)) @property def n(self) -> int or None: """Size of node dimension (:obj:`None` if node-invariant).""" if self.pattern is not None and 'n' in self.pattern: return max(self.scale.size(self.n_axis), self.bias.size(self.n_axis)) def set_pattern(self, value, check: bool = False): if value is not None: value = value.strip() if value.count('n') > 1: raise RuntimeError("ScalerModule does not support data with " "multiple 'n' dimensions.") if check: value = check_pattern(value, ndim=self.bias.ndim, include_batch=True) self.t_axis = 0 if 't' in value else None if 'n' in value: self.n_axis = value.split(' ').index('n') self.__dict__['pattern'] = value
[docs] def transform_tensor(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Apply transformation :math:`f(x) = (x - \mu) / \sigma` to tensor :obj:`x`.""" return (x - self.bias) / self.scale + tsl.epsilon
[docs] def inverse_transform_tensor(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Apply inverse transformation :math:`f(x) = (x \cdot \sigma) + \mu` to tensor :obj:`x`.""" return x * (self.scale + tsl.epsilon) + self.bias
[docs] def transform(self, x): r"""Recursively apply transformation :math:`f(x) = (x - \mu) / \sigma` to :obj:`x`.""" return recursive_apply(x, self.transform_tensor)
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, x): r"""Recursively apply inverse transformation :math:`f(x) = (x \cdot \sigma) + \mu` to :obj:`x`.""" return recursive_apply(x, self.inverse_transform_tensor)
[docs] def numpy(self): r"""Transform :class:`` to :class:``.""" b = self.bias.detach().cpu().numpy() s = self.scale.detach().cpu().numpy() return Scaler(bias=b, scale=s)
[docs] def rearrange(self, pattern: str, inplace=False, **axes_lengths) \ -> "ScalerModule": r"""Rearrange parameters in the scaler according to the provided patter using `einops.rearrange <>`_.""" if '->' in pattern: start_pattern, end_pattern = pattern.split('->') start_pattern = start_pattern.strip() if self.pattern is not None and self.pattern != start_pattern: raise RuntimeError(f"Starting pattern {start_pattern} does not " f"match with scaler patter {self.pattern}.") self.pattern = start_pattern else: end_pattern = pattern pattern = self.pattern + ' -> ' + pattern b = rearrange(self.bias, pattern, **axes_lengths) s = rearrange(self.scale, pattern, **axes_lengths) if inplace: self.bias, self.scale = b, s self.pattern = end_pattern return self return ScalerModule(bias=b, scale=s, pattern=end_pattern.strip())
[docs] def slice(self, time_index: Union[List, Tensor] = None, node_index: Union[List, Tensor] = None): """Slice the parameters of the scaler with the given time and node indices. The scaler must have a pattern defining the dimensions of the parameters. This operation is not in place, it always returns a new :class:``. The parameters of the new scaler have same size of the indices provided along the slicing axes or 1 for the params with a single, broadcastable, value.""" if self.pattern is None: raise RuntimeError("You are trying to slice a scaler with no " "pattern.") # move to new object scaler = ScalerModule(self) # shortcut for when scaler is time-unvarying and node_index is None if time_index is None and node_index is None: return scaler # if time-unvarying scaler, just apply unsqueezing indexing new_axes, pattern = None, scaler.pattern if time_index is not None and time_index.ndim == 2: new_axes = torch.zeros(1, 1, dtype=torch.long) pattern = 'b ' + scaler.pattern # compute actual slicing for each param t, n = self.t_axis, self.n_axis # axis of time and node dimensions ti_bias = ti_scale = time_index ni_bias = ni_scale = node_index if self.t_axis is not None: ti_bias = time_index if self.bias.size(t) > 1 else new_axes ti_scale = time_index if self.scale.size(t) > 1 else new_axes if self.n_axis is not None: ni_bias = node_index if self.bias.size(n) > 1 else None ni_scale = node_index if self.scale.size(n) > 1 else None # slice params scaler.bias = take(scaler.bias, self.pattern, time_index=ti_bias, node_index=ni_bias) scaler.scale = take(scaler.scale, self.pattern, time_index=ti_scale, node_index=ni_scale) # update pattern scaler.pattern = pattern return scaler
@staticmethod def cat_tensors(scalers, sizes, key, dim, fill_value): # arrange tensors in numbered dictionary where if tensors[i] exists then # the i-th scaler is not None and has a tensor at {scaler}.{key} tensors = {i: getattr(s, key) for i, s in enumerate(scalers) if s is not None and getattr(s, key) is not None} # if no valid tensor return if len(tensors) == 0: return None # get dtype and device of first tensor and assume equal for all elem = next(iter(tensors.values())) dtype, device = elem.dtype, elem.device # for each scaler (also the ones with no tensor to be concatenated) # retrieve the tensor (or create one if not present) and the broadcast # shape out, shapes = [], [] for i, scaler in enumerate(scalers): # retrieve tensor tensor = tensors.get(i) if tensor is None: # i.e., if scaler is None or has key=None shape = [1] * len(sizes[i]) tensor = torch.full(shape, fill_value, dtype=dtype, device=device) out.append(tensor) # compute broadcast shape shape = list(tensor.size()) shape[dim] = sizes[i][dim] shapes.append(shape) # compute out shape as maximum shape in all dims but concat dim expand_dims = list(np.max(shapes, 0)) # expand each tensor for output shape for i, shape in enumerate(shapes): expand_dims[dim] = shape[dim] out[i] = out[i].expand(*expand_dims) return, dim=dim) @classmethod def cat(cls, scalers: Union[List, Tuple], dim: int = -1, sizes: Union[List, Tuple] = None): # if all scalers are None, return None if all([scaler is None for scaler in scalers]): return None # if there are at least one scaler and one 'None', sizes must be a list # containing the shape of the corresponding tensors if None in scalers: assert sizes is not None # scale scale = cls.cat_tensors(scalers, sizes, 'scale', dim, 1) # bias bias = cls.cat_tensors(scalers, sizes, 'bias', dim, 0) # pattern pattern = outer_pattern([scaler.pattern for scaler in scalers if scaler is not None and scaler.pattern is not None]) return cls(bias=bias, scale=scale, pattern=pattern)